Sunday, October 2, 2011

getting a bit crafty.

there's nothing like a good find and nothing like being on holidays to make me feel crafty.
 first i recovered shelves with plastic laminate to make them a bit more interesting and made a new pencil pot holder with an old can.
 then i decided to update a garage sale find.
step 1: find a pretty old frame and a picture you're not so keen on.
 step 2: make letters out of contact.
 step 3. paint the background white and remove contact letters.
 step 3. reframe and hang on an empty wall.
 and voila, something new out of something old (this idea was inspired by this beautiful diy)

1 comment:

  1. Most of these pictures are going for 20 dollars plus at our local oppies...should have got some to do this with when they were dirt cheap.
