Saturday, December 31, 2011

some goal setting.

last new years eve we lay in a giant paddling pool all day, played frisbee and cricket, ate lots, made some yummy cocktails and celebrated the new year with sparklers and glowsticks. we also attempted many times to take some decent sparkler photography but as you can see above, i kind of let down the team.

every new years eve i like to make some goals about the new year and attempt to start the year off well. i always give up potato chips, because i am an addict but usually fail after a few weeks. but here are some other goals i'm setting:
1.  to get fitter. i may have made a mid year goal here to try and increase the amount of exercise i do and somewhat failed but with a new year comes to chance to try again. eat healthier. i wouldn't consider myself an unhealthy eater by any means but in 2012 i'd really like to eat even more fruit and veg and try to eat less processed foods.

3. to read the bible daily. i try and try and don't always seem to but i used a christmas voucher and bought the bible in a year so i'd really like to read it all in one year and that means making the time each day.

4. to be a truly caring and generous person. i just want to really focus on those little ways i can be a blessing to those around me, whether it be making them dinner one night, sending some snail mail love or just making time to listen and be supportive. everyday i'd like to do one extra thing -whether it's as small as sending a message- for those people i love.

5. to be more creative. i want to make things regularly and use this blog as a platform to share. i am aiming to do one creative activity each week.

6. continue to grow this blog. i still feel relatively new to the blogging world and aren't always sure what to share online but i love having a place to express thoughts, pretty pictures and ideas. i would love to keep working on this blog and make it both interesting to the wider public and something that my friends and family can continue to read. if you have any suggestions on things you would like me to post about or ways to improve this blog, please let me know.

so these are my goals for 2012. they aren't all tangible but things that i hope to aspire to in the new year.
to all my readers out there, have a wonderful new year and i look forward to sharing more with you in 2012!


  1. Great list of goals. :) And I appreciate your sparkler photography. Very cute.

    Happy New Year!

  2. love your blog, so I'm a new follower =)
